Gus Antos Reveals $150MM Success Formula Amidst Economic Uncertainty: Learn the Dos and Don'ts in Turbulent Times

Gus Antos is the owner of Milestone, a residential home services company that specializes in plumbing, HVAC, and electrical. He also owns or partners in several other residential service companies. In total, all the operations exceed $150MM in revenue. (He started with CertainPath in 2004 with revenues less than $500K and deep in financial distress.) Today, he’s a member-leader within the organization.
Milestone is having another incredible year in 2023; however, it’s not been one without immense challenges. Plumbing and electrical continue to grow at 25%; yet, HVAC has only grown 5%. In this interview, Gus shares how his leadership team and he have navigated a turbulent year to again grow and do so at great profitability. Gus also shared his insights on many critical topics facing our industry today, including…
· What to do when demand calls cut way back.
· The one marketing sin contractors make.
· How Milestone has forced itself to deliver even better service.
· What changes Milestone has made with its managers to generate more revenue with less calls.
· Why contractors should be reviewing their compensation plans.
· The importance of quickly shifting your objectives in turbulent times.
· The 3 things all contractors should consider when looking to acquire a competitor in today’s environment.
· Why Milestone is considering expanding service hours and days.
· The ONE hire you should make as a $2-3MM owner/operator trying to find more time in your day.
· The 3 questions you must ask yourself if you want to grow from $20MM to $40MM quickly.
· Why being a part of a group like CertainPath is more important than ever.
· And so much more!
Show Notes
The Successful Contractor Podcast is a part of the CertainPath family. CertainPath builds successful home service businesses—and has for 25 years. We do it by providing contractors with a proven path to success, professional coaching, software solutions, and a member community of 1,100+ strong. Doubling your sales, with a 20% net profit, and an inspiring company culture is ALL possible. Let us show you the way.
With CertainPath, Success is Made Certain. Visit for more information.
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Gus Antos Reveals $150MM Success Formula Amidst Economic Uncertainty: Learn the Dos and Don'ts in Turbulent Times
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